Our Mission

At the Kaelib Field Foundation, our mission is to close the gap between when a child first experiences symptoms of a mental illness, the time it takes before they’re able to be seen by a health professional and the wait time for medication.

Goal One

The initial onset of a mental illness usually happens between the ages of 15-30 however, some will exhibit signs and symptoms earlier.

Once the symptoms start to become more apparent, the wait times to see a mental health worker is anywhere from three months to more than a year.

Our first goal is to narrow the time between the onset of symptoms and the amount of time it takes for a child’s first appointment with a professional to four days.

Children and their parents shouldn’t have to wait until a child presents with homicidal or suicidal ideologies before they’re taken seriously. Currently, this is the standard for care.

Goal Two

Mental illnesses are defined by a 4 part criteria; Deviance, Distress, Dysfunction and Danger.

Our second goal is to bridge the gap between when a child is first diagnosed with a mental illness and when they’re prescribed medication. This is typically handled by a nurse or Psychiatrist, which is usually not the provider who initially did the diagnosis. Because of this, children can often go years while waiting for medication!

Goal Three

Our 3rd goal is to not just create awareness of the disparaging gap in health care, but to create laws and obtain funding for research and resources for those who support a loved one with a debilitating mental illness.

Our current donations for 2023

Below is a list of how we’re using your donations to reach our goals.

*numbers indicate 100 thousands*